5 Chinese Leaders Everyone Should Know
There is so much history that is not taught in a generalized curriculum. The leaders mentioned here are ones that literally changed the world, and most importantly shaped what the nation of China is today! "Xi Jinping gave his inaugural speech as China’s president in 2013, completing a transition of power that began in November when he became general secretary of the Communist Party and chairman of the military. As he steps into the limelight,...
When Saving Lives Trumps Getting a Driver's License
Yes, so she is old enough to drive but doesn’t and she is so smart she invented something that will actually change lives!! A spirometer...
How to slay a cool $11 Million from Lemonade when you are NOT Beyonce
So how exactly do you score $11 Million from Lemonade when you are not the slay master herself? Well, you have to be 11 year...
The BEST Virtual Multicultural Fair EVER!!
Wow RainbowMe Family!! What an amazing week we have had for our Multicultural Fair!! We thank you all for joining in on our week long...
Beautiful Destiny gets her Dream Date to Special Needs Prom
ANDERSON, Ind. - Just a few hours ago, 17-year-old Destiny McLemore was a special needs junior from Anderson High School. A coral dress, some glittering...
Superstar Squirt: Malala, Child Education Superhero
Malala Yousafzai- Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted...
Coolest People to Know: Director Tadashi Nakamura
Tadashi Nakamura is a documentary director whose critically acclaimed films look back at the roots, key figures and forward momentum of the Asian American movement....
Coolest People to Know: Meet Maha Laziri
Being a young female from an emerging country like Morocco, Maha Laziri found her passion as an education activist. Given the limited access to education...
Superstar Squirts: 12 Year-Old Paloma Noyola Bueno is the Next Steve Jobs
Joshua Davis of www.wired.com has found the next Steve Jobs. The entire original article can be found at <a href="http://www.wired.com/2013/10/free-thinkers">http://www.wired.com/2013/10/free-thinkers</a>.FoxNews.com summary: Paloma Noyola Bueno, 12, lives...
Coolest People to Know: Robert Rodriguez
(From Biography.com) Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez grew up in Texas as a part of a family of 10 children. Initially rejected from film school, Rodriguez taught...
Coolest People to Know: Cristina Saralegui
(From www.cristinaonline.com) CRISTINA SARALEGUI is a seasoned journalist who is recognized as one of the most influential role models for today's Hispanic woman. She is...
RainbowMe Approved: Grace and Elie, Beautiful African Inspired Children's Clothing
We love products that cater to our audience, and that are beautifully inspired by the vast cultures our audience encompasses. Check out some of the...